Thursday, May 21, 2009

Silly Staish

After church last Sunday, Staisha came down the stairs with her daddy's black church socks on and his church shoes! It was so funny! What a stylish girl!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Reading Restaurant

Last week, Sari's 1st grade class did a Reading Restaurant. She has been talking about it for a long time. Lance drove home that day so he can be there. She was so excited! It was really neat. The kids pretended that they were waiters and waitresses. They showed us menus with what they will be reading to us and read us some books. And they sang and danced. For dessert, we had cake and punch. So much fun!!!!

They look so professional!

I cant believe how tall Sari has gotten this year!

Doing one of her many singing and dancing!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I Have a Leak!!!!!

UGH! I have a leak. Why do these things always happen when the hubby is gone! Plus he is locked to a work train in Grants for a few days. :( I barely noticed it this morn after I mopped( ha ha I know- shocker isn't it!) I'm only blogging about it because this is my adult contact! jk but seriously, with Lance gone, I do spend more time on the computer when I have tons of other things I should be doing ;) Any how, now I have to figure out whats going on. I am thinking its coming from the kids bathroom. Maybe the bathtub. Wish me luck! Oh i wish Lance were home!