Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Got Tagged

I was tagged by Jen Bickmore.

Rules:Link the person who tagged you. Mention the rules on your blog.Tell 6 unspectacular quirky things about you or your family.Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

1. When I first started my job, it tore me up to be away from my kids. Now I look forward to the two days a week I work to get a little break( I know, thats so bad).

2. I love taking my son Boston to the movies. He laughs so loud at the littlest things. Its so cute and very entertaining at the kid's movies.

3. I have cankles! In which I hate them but I've learned to have a good sense of humor about it and its a big joke with my family and friends. Its like my ankles are filled with liquid. So wierd, and if I squeeze them, it hurts. lol

4. I abesolutely can not stand to mop. I don't like it. Lance does the mopping in this house. I think I have maybe mopped maybe 5 times in my 9 years of marriage.

5. I can be very critical of myself. If I'm going somewhere, I sometimes change a zillion times. It drives Lance nuts! I always seem to find flaws and ask my husband "Do I look ok?"

6. I love making and eating treats. I think I am addicted. If there is help out there, please let me know! lol

:)I hope you enjoyed this brief look into my quirky life!Now it is your turn, I tag LeAnn, Natalie, Corie Green, Corrie Havlecik, Jen Brimhall , Page Murdock & Anyone else who wants to do it!!! Go do it!! :)

Agh! The Wind

Today is Saturday and it is way windy. I'm not sure how fast the wind has been blowing but it has been a long time since I have seen it blow like this. This is what it did to my trampolene.

I'm very lucky. The damage could have been much worse like having it end up in the neighbor's yard. I do not like windy days. On the bright side, it does make it for a kick back day at home except for the gym time and cleaning I had to do this morn. :(

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Pony Tail Challenge

Everybody has got to check out the Pony Tail Challenge this week.(I have a link here on my blog) The challenge is to try to be on time to something this week and not be late. And goodness, that is a major challenge for me. I am late for everything. If I set a time to meet someone, they automatically know to be at least 10 minutes late. lol I am awful. My challenge is to get to church on time this Sunday. I know, your probably wondering, "Can it be done?" That is my biggest challenge each week. So Staisha, No dirty diapers before we leave the house for church! lol JK They are having a prize giveaway for this challenge and it is awesome. They are having a drawing for these beautiful clocks. There is a link to the clock website on the Pony Tail Challenge blog. They are so cool. Wish me luck!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yay! Back to Work

Great News! Lance finally and I mean Finally went back to work. The doctor's office faxed me the work release form on Wed afternoon. I immediately faxed it to the railroad. Everything didn't get straightened out until Friday night though. :( But its all good. Lance got put on the Engineers extra-board Saturday morning and 5 minutes later he was called to work! Yay! He went to Needles and that was an adjustment. He was was gone for 34 hours! Needless to say we missed each other tons and the kids missed him too. Staisha kepted asking Where's dad? So I'm hoping things get back to normal soon and we have a lot of catching up to to do due to missed work. :) He was off for 9 weeks and boy did it go by fast.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Update on Lance-i-poo poo

I can't believe it! Lance has been off work since August 4. And boy did time fly by. Thank goodness! lol Last week we went to the doctor and he told Lance he can go back to work on October 1st. :) Hurray! Well today is October 1st and I dare mention to say: no work. :( (boo hoo) lol On Monday, Lance called the railroad saying I can go back to work and I have a doctors note. They said we need a certain form filled out by you and the doctor and have it faxed back to us. So we filled out our part and faxed it to the doctor that same day. The doctor said it would cost us $25 (which has to be paid before they fax it back. So ridiculous!) and take a week to get back. So we pleaded with his secretary and she said she would try her best to get it signed. Well today is the day he is suppose to mark up for work and we still haven't received the filled out form. So i keep telling myself Whats another day in the grand scheme of things! My hubby will be back to work soon! Hopefully! lol Oh on a side note. Lance is pretty sad now that one of his ankles now looks like a cankle. It keeps swelling up. I said to buck up and join the club. At least he doesn't have two cankles! lol