Monday, April 20, 2009

Lance is going Bye-Bye today

Lance has been working out of Gallup for the past couple of weeks. Split a hotel room with Josh once, has slept in his truck and drives home. It is getting quite pricey driving back and forth so we have finally broke down and rented a trailor for Lance to stay in. Its all hooked up and he is ready to go. We are sad that he has to live 2 hours away but on the other hand, we feel lucky, he could be much farther away. I keep telling him he is lucky. Its like he is going camping! lol We will miss him and hopefully this doesn't last too long. Hurry up ecomony and kick in gear! If it gets worse and he gets kicked out of Gallup, he will head to Gillette, Wy. We are praying things get better! For all the separated families! :(


Corie Green said...

So sad and I am serious, give me a call when you want to hang out or you need some adult conversation! I know you will be missing your Lanciepoo! :) I will cross my fingers that it will all be over soon and you can be together again.

Susie and Josh said...